Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tomorrow's the Day!

Alright folks, I am leaving tomorrow morning! The day has finally come and I am ready to go. It really has been a long wait, but it gave me time to get ready and prepare myself as best as I can. Like my brother-in-law said, "you're only ready and fully prepared to serve a mission when you're leaving your mission and coming home". I will do the best that I can, and I want to enjoy every minute of it, even when it gets really hard.
This opportunity to serve the Lord and teach his children will be so rewarding and I am excited to be a part of it. If my purpose of being on a mission is solely just to plant seeds, and I see no harvest then I will have planted seeds for someone else to harvest.
I will miss my family, and the time that I have spent with them before I leave has been great. And the friends that I have spent time with has been great. I will miss them, but hey I'm coming home right after! Time will fly and before I know it I will be home.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Whole Story From the Beginning

I have wanted to serve an LDS mission for some time during my 22 years, especially in the last 3 years. I wondered when and if it was right for me to serve so I prayed about it. I felt like I kept getting the answer of if you want to go, go ahead, but I felt like it wasn't definite. So I listened to what leaders had told me, make a decision and Heavenly Father will let you know if it is right. I started to get really scared as I approached my 21st birthday and I made the decision not to go.

Instead of starting my papers I kept attending school till I got my associates. After that I kinda felt lost in what to do in life. I went to school at Southern Utah University for one year and that one school year helped me strengthen my testimony so much. I had to learn to rely on my Savior for help and strength. I learned so much in the institute classes with the help of the instructors, who by the way are incredible teachers and have such strong testimonies. I had also met incredible people who's testimonies also helped strengthen mine.

While I was at SUU, the October 2012 General Conference had a new announcement for the young prospective missionaries. The new age change didn't affect me because I was already 21 at that point, but it affected 2 of my roommates. As I watched them prepare and receive their calls, I really started to ask myself again if I wanted to serve. Serving a mission had been popping up so often in my head that I really needed to have a heartfelt prayer with my Heavenly Father and ask him sincerely.
Me, Michelle, and Emily (Roommates are are serving in Peru and California)

These people are the reason for me wanting to stay in Cedar.

I was really torn on what to do because I was having so much fun in Cedar City and I wanted to stay for summer and return to school in the fall. I knew that my dad was having shoulder surgery in the summer and I knew that my mom would need help with him and around the house. So as I was praying on whether I should go home for the summer or stay in Cedar, I was told to go home and help out. I told myself I would pray about serving a mission when I got home for the summer. When I told my mom that I was coming home she paused and looked at me and asked if it had anything to do with a mission? I told her that I wasn't 100% sure yet, but that I thought it could be that reason.

When I had moved home, I continued to pray, and I don't know if I listen to the spirit very well or what, but I still wasn't sure. So again I made a decision and this time it was to serve a mission. The next Sunday was fast Sunday, so I fasted to make sure that it was something that I wanted, and was willing to do. I am pretty sure that I had a confirmation within the first half hour of church. And just as church was over I ran into the bishop who was asking how life was. He asked if I was going back to school in the fall, and I said no. Then he asked if I was planning on doing something for 18 months, and I said yes. So the process was started.
I can say that I felt so confident with my decision and I was excited to serve. I have written in my journal that I have an excitement that I have never felt before, that it was different from an excitement of going somewhere fun. I really felt that serving a mission was right for me to do now. I look back at where I was at 21 and even though it was almost 2 years ago, I feel like I have grown so much since then. I don't know if I was mature enough or if my testimony was strong enough. That may be bad to say, but I really don't know if my testimony was strong enough to last on a mission. I may not have made it through the first few months. The year that I spent at school really helped me grow mentally and spiritually.

I received my mission call on Wednesday July 3rd 2013. Only thing was that I was leaving that same day to go camping at Island Park till Sunday. It was so hard knowing that it was coming that day and that I couldn't open it. I told my mom to not even tell  me if it came. So the forever long (and pretty boring weekend, sorry Lynsie) was over and I got to open in on Sunday the 7th.

I will be serving in the Peru Lima South Mission for 18 months in the Spanish Language. I am to report to the Peru MTC on November 6th!!!

I am excited to go, but the 4 month wait is not fun at all. The first two months dragged on, and now September is already over and October is always a fast month. Next thing I know it will be November 1st and I will leave shortly. My nerves have been getting to me and I am very nervous to go, especially straight to Peru. I know I won't be by myself on the plane to Lima, but that is one of my biggest fears. And I am leaving about 95% of everything I have including my family. I am missing big things in my family and also my friends. I know that I am going to be serving the Lord along with my brothers and sisters and that will be so rewarding that I won't even be thinking about the things that I will be missing!

 This is a new journey that I am looking forward to. My goal for the year 2012 was to enjoy the journey in life, and the small moments. I think I did pretty good at that. It was probably the funnest year that I can remember. The 21st year of my life. For 2013 my goal was to be Brave and to have courage. I had fun the previous year and I did try some new things, but I felt like I needed to get out of my comfort zone and make braver choices. I think that serving a mission is a pretty brave thing to do considering myself. I think serving a mission is one heck of a way to go out on such a great yearly goal.

I will definitely try to keep up with this and let you know about my journey of Pursuing Peru :D

I'm New to This

     So I have wanted to set up a blog for me to be able to post my letters from my mission to Peru. Hopefully this makes it easier for my family and friends to follow. I also wanted to have a blog for the new or past missionaries to travel to Peru. I looked all over trying to find a blog about a missionary's experience in my future mission, and I only found one. So this hopefully helps out anyone who is looking for what Peru is like.
     I will hopefully let my sister Kylee update it with my letters because she is probably the most computer literate than anyone else in my family. Please make this look good.